What we didn’t expect
As we have grown with Treasure Trails, we have had some really heartwarming stories from our customers who have told us how a Treasure Trail has made an impact in their lives. Wedding proposals, autistic children and rehab from heart surgery – we certainly didn’t think about these things when starting Treasure Trails.
Just what the doctor ordered
Whether it’s recovering from an operation or simply becoming more active, we all know the doctor’s advice, and what good advice it is too.
When Kath from Leeds was advised by her doctor to get out and about and get some fresh air, she did just that by exploring with Treasure Trails!
“It's such a good way of getting fresh air and exercise without feeling like you’re doing exercise (if that makes sense). I'm currently signed off from work with stress and depression and the doctor has told me to get out and about. We have now done Knaresborough and Harrogate and they have been very therapeutic for me.”
Now, we all know that walking and fresh air are good for us, and sometimes we don’t get enough of either with our busy lives, but it just goes to show that a couple of hours exploring and enjoying your surroundings can do you the world of good! So put those phones and tablets down, turn off the TV, and grab a Treasure Trail! (Download and print it first before you turn off the computer!)
Of course there are plenty of other benefits to walking which aren’t linked to health.
Helping with Autism and Dementia
We’re not making any scientific claims here; it’s certainly not our place to. However, we had a lovely chat with a customer recently who’s been doing some of our Treasure Trails with her son who has autism. She told us that he struggles to do much usually, but that the Trails work really well for him and they have enjoyed going out and completing many adventures together. She just phoned to let us know how grateful she is for the Trails and the great experiences she and her son have had on them.
Another customer, one of our regular Trailers, Susan Perkins, who has completed over 150 Trails, sometimes takes friends with her and told us “One friend had dementia; he was able to participate with a little directing. With prompts he could look for clues and achieve some success as well.”
Showing off what I learned at school
We pride ourselves in the fact that our Trails are great fun and don’t make you feel like you’re back at school. However, we also hope you’ll learn an interesting thing or two as you explore. For kids, visiting places that they’ve learnt about at school lets them show off their knowledge, and also makes us appreciate that they often know much more than us!
One satisfied Mum left us a glowing review after doing the Pudding Lane Treasure Trail in London:
“We had a fantastic time on our day out in London - we chose Pudding Lane as my son has been learning about the Great Fire of London at school. He was so excited walking around the streets and seeing the place where it actually started and was so eager to tell me everything he knew! He can’t wait to get back to school and tell his teacher where he’s been!”
A most unusual engagement
Andrew Shorter and his girlfriend Melanie came across Treasure Trails on their very first holiday in Cornwall. Appealing to their childlike side, they were quickly hooked and doing Trails wherever they went.
So, when the time came for Andrew to propose to Melanie, it seemed only right that a Treasure Trail was involved! Booking them both into a pretty B&B in Warkworth, Northumberland, Andrew set about his cunning plan.
The Warkworth Trail is a murder mystery themed Trail, where clues result in the identity of a culprit being revealed. What Melanie didn’t know was that Andrew had been colluding with Treasure Trails in secret and that their version of the Trail was not the normal one.
At the end of their investigations, not one but two culprits were revealed: ‘Will Hugh’ and ‘Mary Mee’.
“There must be some mistake! Have we missed a clue?” Melanie asked.
“I think the clue is in the names” Andrew answered.
With the sun shining, Melanie’s favourite castle in the background and Andrew on one knee, he linked the names together and asked “Will you marry me?”
Many thanks to Andrew and Melanie for the pictures and allowing us to be involved in such an important milestone in their lives! We wish them a long and happy marriage.
If you have a special question to ask, or a surprise you’d like to reveal at the end of a Trail, just let us know and we’ll put you in touch with your local Trail Writing Partner to start plotting…
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