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- Welcome to the Fifth Edition of TT Strange Times!
Welcome to the Fifth Edition of TT Strange Times!

News, ideas and inspiration from us in these strangest of times.
Ah, greetings dear traveller, have you come far? Forsooth, it is time now for the fifth issue of “TT Strange Times”!
While we too are isolating along with the rest of you, we wanted you to have a fun resource for puzzles, games, ideas and information to help us all through these uncertain times.
Each issue has a different theme and for this fifth edition, we wanted to look back in time for future inspiration in the form of our compendium, that for one issue only, is dedicated to…

Brace yourself folks – this is what’s coming up in this edition…
For our Inspirational People for Inspirational Times section, we’ve a fascinating look at early Viking explorer, Leif Erikson, who may or may not have cause to upset Christopher Columbus. (The explorer, not director of ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone‘, ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets‘, ‘Home Alone‘ (both 1 and 2 – Lost in New York’ (featuring a cameo from Donald Trump no less)), ‘Mrs Doubtfire‘ and ‘3-D Rocks‘ among many others).
Although, thinking about it, maybe even he could be a bit upset about it too? Who knows.
Err, anyway, moving on…
As we take a seat in the INDOOR ARENA, we thought we’d go all ‘BBC at Christmas’ and offer you another chance to revisit a historical figure, Ross Poldark – as we encourage you to answer several intriguing questions to discover which Poldark character you are – and then expand on your character choice in a fun way!
Moving outside for our dose of FRESH AIR FUN, we’ll get tethered together to hobble along as we take part in the Three Legged Sprint – event five of utterly unheard of outside of Treasure Trails’ The Treasure Trails Garden Games Modern Pentathlon for 2020.
For Getting YUMMY With It… tonight we’re going to party like it’s 1499 – in the form of the grandest of grand Tudor feasts, the likes of which would probably even give King Henry VIII indigestion!

Our TOP Five… this time around looks at our choice from the vast amount of fascinating History books (for kids) that are available out there.
So, you’ve seen our suggestions for FRESH AIR FUN – in the form of The Treasure Trails Garden Games Modern Pentathlon for 2020 – but we will be turning the spotlight onto YOU for this edition’s competition!
Submit your entries to us and the best could win a gift voucher to use on your next Trailing adventure.
Once you’ve exhausted yourself physically with all that running around and jumping over stuff, pull up a chair and set the dial to chill, as you have another chance to exercise the ol’ brainy-muscles with our choice of dastardly mind-twisting puzzles.
As always, we hope you enjoy – and don’t forget to share this with friends and family. #TTStrangeTimes
and look – I even managed to get through all this without saying the phrase ‘Ye olde’… Oh…
Anyway, be seeing you!
Editor-in-Chief, Tristan.

Inside this edition of TT Strange Times…
Latest TT Strange Times News
Browse by section below:

Inspirational People –
For Inspirational Times...
A closer look at another inspirational figurehead…

Get Moving…
Whether you’re inside or outside in your garden, try these fun ideas to keep your mind and body busy!

Getting YUMMY
With it…
With a different recipe or foody suggestion for each issue, there’s no need to get food bored!

A pick of five top items for this issue, ready for you to delve into…

Why not enter our themed competition? You could win a Treasure Trails gift voucher in preparation for when we can all get back out there!

Exercise your mind as well as your body with our selection of quizzes!
Our inspiring quote for this issue:
“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light” – Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC)
Some awesome upcoming dates…
5th June = World Environment Day
7th June = National Fish and Chips Day
8th June = World Oceans Day & International Best Friends Day
13th June = Cupcake Day
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