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Awesome job!

Well done on completing the Trail from your heart to your brain. We really hope you enjoyed our Threadventure, put together to celebrate the partnership between the British Heart Foundation and Treasure Trails.
Never heard of us? Don’t worry, let me explain… We create amazing self-guided themed family adventures, called Treasure Trails! We have over 1,000 of them, exploring the hidden gems of towns, cities and villages all over the UK.
Let’s face it, there isn’t much we can do to have fun at the moment, but our Trails are all outside exploring spaces where you can remain relaxed and socially distanced during any local restrictions, as you adopt you inner detective, spy or explorer persona and search for the answers to the sneaky clues.
Working together
Perfect for families and couples from 6 – 106, we have partnered with the British Heart Foundation to support their vital research. We all know that an active lifestyle is great for our physical and mental health, and our Trails are a great way to get your ‘steps’ in without realising it.
Have a watch of our super short video to help explain things more.
Prizes, prizes, prizes….
For successfully completing the journey from the heart to the brain, we’d love to reward you with the chance to win one of 30 Treasure Trail adventures! Simply enter the code you received on your Threadventure and your email address, and on the 20th October we’ll draw 30 winners at random to win a Trail of their choice.
Sorry, entries are now closed.
Tags: 2020 OctoberIdeas
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