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Love Where You Live: MISSION FOUR!

We’re on the search for the UK’s coolest and quirkiest curiosities and want to hear why you Love Where You Live! This week, we’re asking you to shout loud and proud about your local… events, eats and traditions!
Have you got a local event that’s a little bit different? How about a tradition that you haven’t quite shaken in your neck of the woods? Of course, let’s not forget about those favourite feasts and treats! We want to know all about them, and we’ll pick our favourites to feature in our Entertaining Events, Eats and Traditions blog post.
Up For Grabs
As well as the kudos of being a TT #LoveWhereYouLive Ambassador, and the chance to have your local curiosities featured for all to see, you may be rewarded with a prize!
All submissions featured on our Entertaining Events, Eats and Traditions blog will receive a Treasure Trails voucher. PLUS, our three top picks will be awarded the MISSION FOUR Star Prize:
A Cream Tea Hamper in the post from our friends at The Cornish Hamper Store!

Your fourth MISSION is to delve into your local events and traditions, recipes and delicacies, and show us how you do things down your way.
Need some inspiration? We’ve got a few ideas to kick-start your assignment!
St Columb Hurling – an annual event where Townsmen and Countrymen compete to throw a silver ball across town to get it in their goal! The first hour sees the ball kept in town and passed around (it’s good luck to hold the ball!), and then the competition begins properly.
Click here to find out all about it!
We’re sure you’ve all heard of jellied eels, but have you eaten them? Originating out of London’s East End, they’re usually eaten cold. If you do try them, a bit of vinegar and white pepper sets them off a treat but you’ll need to eat around the bone!
Fancy making your own? Try this recipe!
One of the oldest running traditions still performed in England, the setting of the watch by the blowing of a horn happens in Ripon each and every night at 9pm, come rain or shine. Usually carried out in the market square, the ceremony is currently being conducted in the Hornblowers’ gardens, still within the Parish boundaries.
Click here to see the watch being set live every night!

Submit the details of your local events, eats or traditions, along with your details and a photo (if you have one), via the form below.
All submissions need to be received by 11:59pm on Wednesday 25th November. So, don’t delay – search around for those quirky curiosities today!
We’ll announce our favourites and share our Entertaining Events, Eats and Traditions blog post on Thursday 26th November, and we’ll contact all winners directly. We’ll brief you on the details of MISSION FIVE then as well, so keep your eyes peeled!
Sorry! The MISSION FOUR deadline has now passed, so we can’t accept any more brilliant and bizarre events, eats and traditions – you can see the winners here. Don’t worry; there’s plenty more you can get involved with! Take a peek below to see what’s coming up...
Want to Get Ahead of the Game?
If you’re seeking out fun local facts and discover something cool or quirky, it might fit a later mission, so take a look at what’s coming up too:
MISSION #05: Signs that make you go ‘ha’ or ‘huh?’
MISSION #06: Not a lot of people know this but... tucked away treasures or facts.

Warm Up With an Energetic Expedition!
The evenings are getting darker, the air is getting colder, but that doesn’t mean adventure is off the table!
Never mind the weather; warm your household up with an energetic expedition! Pick up your local Treasure Trail and get out there for your daily walk (with a twist). You might even learn some cool, quirky facts to give you some inspiration for your vital MISSION!

Get Social
You can even post your curious events, eats and traditions to the Treasure Trails Facebook page, or tag us on Twitter and Instagram too! Be sure to use the hashtag #LoveWhereYouLiveMission4 for your submissions, and follow us for MISSION UPDATES, weekly puzzles and lots of exploration inspiration!
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